The earth gives its fruits only to those who labour for them. Its soil, and its waters, and its skies are rich in their abundance with the things that man needs and desires. But man must pay the price in effort to obtain them.
If he wishes the soil of the earth to yield potatoes, he must prepare it, plant potatoes, cultivates, and harvest them.
If he desires the gold, and silver, and copper, and ore hidden in its rock interior, he must dig for them.
if he wants the fish from the seas, the grapes from the vineyards, the fruits from the orchards, the honey from the beehives- if he wishes these for the needs and comforts of himself and his loved ones, he must pay in terms of labour.
"To earn your bread by the sweat of your brow" is not a myth. It is a cold, hard reality. It applies to all. Whether we choose to be in the home, office, factory, or field- whether we cook meals, keep books, make automobiles, or sell insurance, the common denominator for success is work.
Without it man loses his vision, his confidence, and enthusiasm. His life becomes largely meaningless.
On the other hand, there is no other preventative or cure so effective for boredom and fatigue, or for many of our mental and emotion ills, as an honest day's work every working days of the year.
There is no limit the the rich things that we may have -material, mental, spiritual-if we work hard enough to obtain them.
Know what you want! work for it- and the earth will yield it treasures to you
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